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Our Malibu Beaches





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本




Our Malibu Beaches(圖1)-速報App

Hey, did you know there’s no such thing as an all-private beach in California?

Our Malibu Beaches gives you pinpointed directions and expert tips so you can enjoy the 20 miles of gorgeous beaches in Malibu that are lined with private development.

Our Malibu Beaches(圖2)-速報App

Yes, you, me – all of us, the public – own an awful lot of the sand on those 20 miles.

That’s hardly a secret.

Our Malibu Beaches(圖3)-速報App

But how do you get to them? And which parts of the beaches, exactly, are ours to enjoy? Now those are some of LA’s biggest secrets.

Here’s your owner’s manual.

Our Malibu Beaches(圖4)-速報App

Our Malibu Beaches gives you all the info you need to enjoy some of Southern California's most beautiful beaches, including:

* How to find the elusive accessways

Our Malibu Beaches(圖5)-速報App

* Where you're free to walk and put your towel

* Which fake "No Trespassing" and "No Parking" signs you can legally ignore

Our Malibu Beaches(圖6)-速報App

Grab your phone, a trashy novel, and make a mad dash for the PCH!

Our Malibu Beaches: An Owners Guide is part of the Know What network, a collection of apps from brilliant, informed people – each with dozens of favorite places and best local secrets. So you can always Know What, no matter where you are.